Frequently Used Acronyms
ADD: Attention Deficit DisorderADHD: Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder
ASD: Autistic Spectrum Disorder
BOCES: Board of Cooperative Educational Services
CANS: Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths
CFS: Child and Family Services
DSS: Department of Social Services
DJJOY: Division of Juvenile Justice and Opportunities for Youth
FAS: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FAE: Fetal Alcohol Effect
FSP: Family Support Person
HBCI: Home Based Crisis Intervention
HEAP: Home Energy Assistance Program
IADT: Intensive Adolescent Day Treatment
ICC: Intensive Care Coordinator
ICM: Intensive Case Manager
IED: Intermittent Explosive Disorder
IEP: Individual Education Plan
ISP: Individual Service Plan
JJ: Juvenile Justice
ODD: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
OMH: Office of Mental Health
OPWDD: Office of People with Developmental Delays
PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
RHY: Runaway and Homeless Youth
SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SCM: Supportive Case Manager
SED: Serious Emotional Disorder
SOC: System of Care
TAY: Transition Age Youth
TIP: Transition to Independence Process
YASI: Youth Assessment Screening Instrument
YES: Youth Emergency Services